Welcome to Summit Language Academy, LLC
Uniting education and healthcare professionals with the communities they serve through language and cultural understanding.
Professionalism is about more than knowledge...
it’s about communication and understanding – especially for education and healthcare professionals!
Summit Language Academy is here to help you go that extra mile by teaching professionals the language skills they need to become the best providers possible to the people they serve.
Choose what's best for you
Summit Language Academy offers customized language courses, workshops, and professional development opportunities to fit your specific needs, schedule and level of experience.
Give your team the resources they need for success
By offering courses and workshops in both Spanish and English as a Second Language (ESL), Summit Language Academy can increase your team’s ability to communicate more effectively with one another, which ultimately saves time, increases morale and leads to more successful outcomes.
Consulting and Professional Development
Strategies for Success: Working with Newcomers
Developing Effective Spanish Heritage Programs
Integrating English Language Development Programs
Strategies for Success: Healthcare Professionals
Involving Families in their Children's Education
Using Native Language Support to Help English Learners Succeed
So what are you waiting for?
Click the link below and schedule your free consultation, so we can discuss what services will suit your needs best.